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Just feel good, Body and mind remedy Pineal Gold Pine pollen tincture

Posted By: Divina Color In: Pine Pollen On: Comment: 0 Hit: 4034

Feel good supplement; Pineal Gold pine pollen tincture/ Body and mind remedy for man and woman.

Pineal Gold is a dietary supplement for the body and the mind. 
This tincture brings the body into a relaxed state and mind. Balance within the hormones is crucial for every human body.
Disruptions can cause complaints such as:

- Physical or mental fatigue
- Mood swings

- Menstruation or menopause pains
Use 2 to 6 drops in the morning and just feel good. The average price is € 0.80 per intake.
If you feel tired during the afternoon, repeat the amount of the morning.
Prevent intake up to 4 hours before bedtime.
Mental or physical fatigue.


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